
The resource alliance news letter

양곡(陽谷) 2012. 4. 5. 08:35

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IFC 2011

View the full IFC 2012 programme online now! Plus vote for the suppliers you want to see at the IFC.

Dear Oh-Deuk

You can now view the 2012 conference programme online. Visit our website today to see the exciting line-up of MasterclassesWorkshops and inspiring speakers that this year's Congress has in store for you. 

Click here to see the full programme now! 
Click here to register for the IFC 2012. Reserve your place before 10 May to save £60 per delegate!

Introducing brand new speakers to the IFC 2012

The International Fundraising Congress (IFC) is the world's greatest showcase for fundraising excellence. For 2012, we are excited to introduce a host of new speakers to the programme, plus we'll be welcoming back some of your favourites from past IFCs. Look out for the following new speakers at the IFC...  
Michael Cowan
Michael won a Global Award for Fundraising in 2010, becoming the Resource Alliance's first ever Champion Volunteer. His session, 'Champion your volunteers' is focused on positive change and aimed at any personnel who come in to contact with volunteers within an organisation. Learn from Michael the power of a ‘volunteer’ and how to help a good volunteer become a great volunteer!

David Cravinho

David has over 13 years’ experience in face-to-face fundraising. Currently UNICEF's Global Fundraising Specialist for face-to-face operations and responsible for ensuring that their work in 34 markets across the globe continues to meet the highest possible standards. His Workshop 
'F2F - the digital revolution' will showcase best practice and recent technological advances in the rapidly developing area of  
face-to-face fundraising and present some of the results achieved by organisations leading the field, across the world.

Katharina Steinkellner

Currently the Head of International Corporate Partnerships at SOS Children’s Villages International, Katharina has extensive experience of designing corporate fundraising strategies. Her entertaining session, 
'NGOs are from Venus, corporates are from Mars - expeditions into the business mind' will 
journey into the sometimes challenging differences between the mind-set, behaviour and language used by NGOs and corporates - helping you better understand the critical aspects of successful co-creation of cross-sector partnerships. 

Click here to see the full-line up of speakers that we will be presenting at the IFC 2012. 

Please keep checking our website www.internationalfundraisingcongress.com as more speakers and sessions will be added in the coming weeks. 

What suppliers would you like to see at the IFC?

At the IFC we always try to ensure that we have the best suppliers in the sector, to help you meet your business needs. For the first time ever, we would like to ask you what suppliers you would like to meet in the IFC 2012 exhibition areas? 

All you have to do is give us the names of the organisations you would like to see by 
clicking here or emailing ifc@resource-alliance.org - we will then send them an invite to attend the IFC 2012.

We look forward to seeing you in October.

All the best

The IFC team
The Resource Alliance

PS - Fundraising online, the conference for digital and online fundraising success is starting on 15 May 2012, have you reserved your place yet? Find out more at www.fundraisingonline.com  

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info@resource-alliance.org | www.resource-alliance.org  

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