The Fundraising Hotline Published by the Fundraising Ideas & Products Center 27,962 Subscribers |
 July 2009
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Thank you for subscribing to The Fundraising Hotline. We hope each issue will contain information that is beneficial to you. We also invite you to visit our website where you can view this newsletter online, review a listing of top U.S. and Canadian fundraising companies and download our free Fundraising Resource Guide to review at your leisure. |
Fundraising News From Around the World
Toronto, on: Woofstock, an outdoor festival fundraiser for dogs, featured "high society" canine weddings with proceeds going to canine cancer survivors. There were bridesmaids and best dogs, songs including "They Call it Puppy Love," linen-covered tables topped with bowls of doggie tea in china bowls and wedding cake towers of "pupcakes." Enid, OK: All-night Relay for Life fundraiser gives cancer survivors hope and inspiration. Team members took turns constantly walking from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m.; Lowell, MA: Jewelry recycling business holds "gold party" fundraiser. Fifteen percent of the proceeds were donated to the New England Quilt Museum; Mill Creek, WA: Church gives $100 bills to each family in the congregation that asks for one. The families have three months to invest that money and return it -- and their profits -- to the church; Victoria, BC: Fundraiser tests endurance and ingenuity of teams circling the University of Victoria campus for the Easter Seals 24-Hour Relay. one team completed much of the walk on drywall stilts; Canfield, OH: Elementary school rents inflatable “bounce houses” to show students appreciation for a recent fundraiser. The bouncy fun was not just reserved for the kids … after the students were finished with the inflatables, faculty and staff were invited to enjoy them as well; Richmond, VA: Pizza chain donates portion of an evenings sales for SPCA fundraiser; Norwalk, CT: Hundreds participate in Kayak for a Cause which offered the opportunity to help raise money for charity while participants kayak across the Long Island Sound; Wareham, MA: YMCA sponsors electronic collection day fundraiser. For a small fee, the public could responsibly dispose of old computers, air conditioners, microwaves, hot-water heaters, refrigerators, scrap metals and televisions: $5 for electronics, air conditioners and microwaves; $10 for larger appliances and $15 for televisions; Kingman, AZ: Pancake restaurant donates portion of sales to the red Cross. |
2010 Entertainment?? Book Fundraiser: The 2010 Entertainment?? Books are now available to qualified fundraising groups. Risk-free and no money down! Your group earns up to 50% profit. Ask about the bonus book offer. Request your free personalized fundraising kit and start fundraising today! |

Do-It-Yourself Fundraiser Of The Month
Penny Drive: Jars are placed outside of each classroom for 15 minutes at the start and at the end of each day, with someone monitoring of course. For every penny added to the jar a classroom receives one point. Every nickel, dime, quarter, added and the class loses points according to the value of the coin. A dollar in the jar and the class loses 100 points. Kids are allowed to place coins and dollars in any jar they want, so they could make a classroom with the most points that day lose points by placing everything but pennies in the jar. Points are posted every day and the money collected in the office at the end of the day where student helpers wrap pennies, nickels, dimes and so forth. It's great fun! Every class comes out a winner. The class in first place wins a pizza party or sundaes! All other classes get ice cream cones as prizes. |

“Love That Smell” Candles: Free shipping and complete fundraising start-up packet for your school, church, team, individual fundraiser. Premium quality, triple-scented jar candles to max out high profits. Order brochure sales or risk-free 30 day “consignment” plan includes return of any unsold candles for 100% credit. “Easiest fund-raiser my students have ever done.…so very easy to work with. I would highly recommend this as a fundraiser!! Wonderful service!!” (Sandra-Sullivan South High School) Call: 866-379-8493 or visit |
Non-Profit In The Spotlight
Soldiers' Angels is a volunteer-led non-profit organization providing aid and comfort to the men and women of the United States Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, and their families. Founded by the mother of two American soldiers, we are an international organization with members in all fifty U.S. states, Puerto Rico, and several friendly countries who support America's men and women in uniform. We are comprised of nearly 200,000 volunteers in over twenty different teams and programs who have developed unique and effective ways to support members of the U.S. military. To date, our volunteers have sent tens of thousands of care packages and hundreds of thousands of letters to deployed service members; we have supplied the wounded with our First Response Packs directly at the Combat Support Hospitals in Iraq and Afghanistan and the major military hospital in Germany, as well as provided care and comfort to those in stateside military and VA facilities; we have provided emergency aid to military families in need; we have partnered with the Department of Defense to provide voice-controlled/adaptive laptops to over 2,600 severely-wounded service members; we have provided flights to soldiers on leave or in emergency situations, and to their families wanting to be with them upon return from overseas; we have provided Level III KEVLAR armored blankets to give personnel extra protection in their vehicles when it was needed; we help to honor and uphold the families whose loved ones have paid the ultimate price for our freedom and safety. With the assistance of our generous supporters , the many volunteers of Soldiers' Angels have accomplished this and much, much more on behalf of the grateful citizens of the United States of America. Our slogan, "May No Soldier Go Unloved," encapsulates the motivation behind Soldiers' Angels. | Keep more of the money you raise. T-shirts are great for fundraising. They let supporters show that they love your group or cause. Propell has a new way for you to host t-shirt fundraisers, with no upfront costs and no need for inventory. It's simple. You design t-shirts using our online tools and your artwork, logo and photos. You set the price. Then you direct supporters to your very own online store to buy t-shirts. We take care of shipping and returns. What could be simpler? Why not give it a try now. It’s free. |

Biography of Uncle Sam
Historians aren't completely certain how the character "Uncle Sam" was created, or who (if anyone) he was named after. The prevailing theory is that Uncle Sam was named after Samuel Wilson who was born in Arlington, Massachusetts in 1766. During the War of 1812, Wilson was in the business of slaughtering and packing meat. He provided large shipments of meat to the US Army, in barrels that were stamped with the initials "U.S." Supposedly, someone who saw the "U.S." stamp suggested -- perhaps as a joke -- that the initials stood for "Uncle Sam" Wilson. The suggestion that the meat shipments came from "Uncle Sam" led to the idea that Uncle Sam symbolized the federal government. Uncle Sam's traditional appearance, with a white goatee and star-spangled suit, is an invention of artists and political cartoonists; Samuel Wilson did not look like the modern image of Uncle Sam. The single most famous portrait of Uncle Sam is the "I Want You" Army recruiting poster from World War I. |
Fun Pasta Fundraising: New, unique, fun! Pasta in fun shapes like cheerleaders, music, holidays, collegiate logos, etc! Up to 50% profits. Free brochures, free samples, posters, envelopes, bags, DVD, and free shipping! Great prize packages include Itunes gift cards, IPod shuffles, and IPods. Click pasta fundraising, or call 1-800-247-0188 x205
Scratch & Help is the fastest and most profitable scratch card fundraiser for your team or group, profiting you a whopping 400% ROI or 90% profit! Each Scratch & Help booklet is personalized with your group's logo and has a coupon pad inside with great coupon offers from Pizza Hut, TCBY, Mrs. Field's cookies, Blimpie, JC Penny, etc. (800-347-7892)
Meister Software: Free trial raffle ticket software for non-profit organization fundraisers. We manufacture many sizes of ticket blanks. Any color. Consecutive numbering. Accommodates reserved theater seating. Thousands of users. Most comprehensive stand-alone raffle ticket software available. (800-364-1509).
EcoPhones recycling fundraiser pays up to $300 per item* for cell phones, ink jet cartridges, laptop computers, iPods, digital cameras & digital video cameras. Earn cash for every item even broken & unlisted. No cost no obligation! *See EcoPhones’ price list.
The Fundraising Hotline is published monthly by the Fundraising Ideas & Products Center, 1344 Fairway Village Drive ~ Fleming Island, FL 32003-8398. Advertise your site. |