The Fundraising Hotline Published by the Fundraising Ideas & Products Center 28,801 Subscribers |
 August 2009
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Thank you for subscribing to The Fundraising Hotline. We hope each issue will contain information that is beneficial to you. We also invite you to visit our website where you can view this newsletter online, review a listing of top U.S. and Canadian fundraising companies and download our free Fundraising Resource Guide to review at your leisure. |
Fundraising News From Around the World
Jacksonville, FL: Turtle Trails fundraiser supports mental health services to children and families with the auction of 24 decorated fiberglass turtles; Olympia, WA: Credit union offers document ‘shred day’ fundraiser for YMCA. Attendees safely disposed of confidential papers by shredding them on site. Participants were asked to make a donation but no specific fee was set; Portage, IN: Steel Wheels BMX fundraiser helps cancer research; Shawnee, KS: By Kids, For Kids Bike-A-Thon fundraiser benefits child abuse prevention center; Port Huron, MI: Womens' group holds flamingo flocking fundraiser to send students to Special Olympics. For $10, the flock of flamingos could be removed from a yard; for $20 they could be moved to someone else's yard; or for $25, residents could purchase flocking insurance to make sure the flamingos never ended up in their yard; South Holland, IL: Family hosts bone marrow registry fundraiser for the National Marrow Donor Program. Participants registered for free. Money raised at the fundraiser goes to the next group that holds a registry event. Participants enter the donor registry by giving a mouth swab sample .. no needles, no blood .. it literally takes two minutes. Voluntary donations were accepted; Bastrop, TX: High school Naval Junior ROTC holds fireworks sale fundraiser to help pay for field trip; Tampa, FL: Mah-jongg tournament fundraiser benefits breast cancer research and community outreach programs; Coos Bay, OR: Community group holds Dinner & A Movie fundraiser. A portion of participating restaurant receipts were donated to provide food for the hungry; Duluth, MN: Children sell lemonade and brownies to support rebuilding of playground; Tacoma, WA: Non-profit holds Scrabble fundraisers; and Port Clinton, OH: Chemo Crawl is fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. The Chemo Crawl is similar to a pub crawl, the menu for the fundraiser crawl includes eight "treatments" at local pubs. |
2010 Entertainment?? Book Fundraiser: The 2010 Entertainment?? Books are now available to qualified fundraising groups. Risk-free and no money down! Your group earns up to 50% profit. Ask about the bonus book offer. Request your free personalized fundraising kit and start fundraising today! |

Do-It-Yourself Fundraiser Of The Month
Trike-A-Thon: It is exactly what it sounds like. Make it an athletic challenge where young children get donations per lap that they will ride on their tricycles on a given day or flat donations. Paint a special trike path in your parking lot or use tape on a gymnasium floor. Hold the ride on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon and invite parents and donors to attend to cheer on their child. Or it can be held during the school day and invite the parents to come at specific times to cheer for their child's class. Variation: This can also be done as a fun contest for older children or even adults. It's really funny to watch. Maybe combine the two and end your Trike-A-Thon on a hilarious note with a race between parents using their children's tricycles! |

Fun Pasta Fundraising: New, unique, fun! Pasta in fun shapes like cheerleaders, soccer, music, holidays, collegiate logos, and more! Up to 50% profits with no hidden costs. Informative videos available for kids and leaders on website! Free brochures, free samples, posters, envelopes, bags, DVD, and free shipping! Great prize packages include Itunes gift cards, Walmart gift cards, & more!. Learn more at , or call 1-800-247-0188 x205. Have Fun, Eat Pasta, Raise Money! |
Non-Profit In The Spotlight
How to make room in your closet and make prom dreams come true. Here's your chance to help a Chicago high school student be the "Belle of the Ball" at her high school prom. The Glass Slipper Project collects new and almost-new formal dresses and accessories and provides them, free of charge, to Chicago high school students who are unable to purchase their own prom attire. We distribute the dresses at Glass Slipper "boutiques," where each student receives individual assistance from a volunteer "personal shopper" as she shops for the dress of her dreams. To date, we've helped more than 10,000 young women attend their proms in style! Students shop for a free outfit, aided by a corps of more than 500 volunteer personal shoppers, and alterations are available on site. The Glass Slipper Project has inspired others to launch prom attire projects all over the country and abroad. | - Custom car magnets for your school or organization make great fundraisers! People love to show their support on their cars! Profits over 100%! Free sample packs! We bill schools net 30 days. Order your custom car magnets; sell some when they arrive to pay for the whole invoice. “Your company has exceeded expectations in every way. Not only did we get a wonderful product, but superior customer service.” Dana in OK. Email now to get started with your successful, custom car magnet fundraiser! |

Holiday Facts
International Lefthanders Day was first observed on August 13,1976. As its name suggests, it is meant to promote awareness of the inconveniences facing left-handers in a predominantly right-handed world. It celebrates the uniqueness and difference of those who represent approximately 10% of the world's population. The date was selected because it was not yet a holiday and happened to be Friday the 13th in 1976. Rampant cultural biases have imbued us with the notion that left equals bad. The English word "sinister," for example, is derived from the Latin for "left-hand side." In French, gauche means left and, of course, awkward, clumsy and socially unrefined. Being out in left field is not good, and neither is having two left feet. Left-handedness has long been associated with Satanic influences and witchcraft. In the Bible, the blessed are always sitting at the right hand of God, never the left. Then there are the practical biases. Try opening a can with a manual can opener using your left hand -- your arms will be crossed, and you're likely to cut yourself on the lid. Try using a knife with your left hand -- the blade's contour and serration will be backward until you adjust. Think: circular saws, drill presses, chain saws, surgical instruments, firearms and holsters. All designed primarily for righties. |
“Love That Smell” Candles: Free shipping and complete fundraising start-up packet for your school, church, team, individual programs. Risk-free 30 day “consignment” plan includes return of any unsold candles for 100% credit. Premium quality, triple-scented jar candles max out high profits. 866-379-8493 or visit
Hostas at Sissinghurst: Earn more money for your organization by selling Hostas. We offer low-cost, easy to sell, popular Hostas to make your next fundraiser your most profitable fundraiser ever. Tell us your goal! We will help you succeed in raising funds to support your organizations programs and special projects. Recommended by Oprah Magazine. Make a really successful cookbook fundraiser with your pictures, stories & recipes. It's a fact: pictures sell more books. 100+% profit. Printed in B&W or color in 10-15 business days. Visit us today at
Just For Me Candles: Up to 60% profit. Fast profit return. Free sample chips in each selling packet. Free brochures and free shipping. Prize incentives. Excellent customer service. Triple-scented soy candles and fragrance oils. Click here for your free info kit (1-866-925-7300)
The Fundraising Hotline is published monthly by the Fundraising Ideas & Products Center, 1344 Fairway Village Drive ~ Fleming Island, FL 32003-8398. Advertise your site. |