Dear Ohdeuk,
Welcome to the 107th issue of Mal Warwick’s Newsletter! In this edition, you’ll find the usual broad range of analysis and insight that will help you raise more money for your organization:
Ivan Levison riffs on Malcolm Gladwell’s best-selling book, Blink!
Also: We take a look at a skillful appeal from the International Rescue Committee...surprising statistics about the popularity of online video...a sobering perspective on the philanthropic limits of older folks...another Q&A from the archives of Ask Mal...helpful advice about how to ensure that your Web site supports your direct mail fundraising programm...and the latest list of the top nonprofit mailers in the USA.

Mal Warwick
1. Blink!
By Ivan Levison
Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking, by Malcolm Gladwell, author of the breakthrough best-seller The Tipping Point, is a business best seller that makes interesting reading.
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2. Online video?
By Tom Belford
Here’s some data that may surprise you about online video from BrightRoll, the Internet’s biggest online advertising network: Video is bigger than search: 12 billion videos are watched per month vs. 10.5 billion searches conducted.
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3. What’s in a phone script? (Part 2)
By Joe White
Editor’s note: In this second article of a three-part series, veteran telephone fundraising consultant Joe White critiques a second telephone fundraising script prepared for one of his nonprofit clients’ fundraising campaigns. The script itself is reproduced here, with Joe’s analysis following it.
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4. Prospects?
Looking to today’s 50- and 60-somethings as promising candidates for your fundraising program? If so, you might want to re-think your projections.
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5. Destination marketing
By Tom Gaffny
At the 2008 DMA Nonprofit Conference in Washington DC, late in January, Tom Gaffny, then Executive Vice President at Epsilon, delivered an extraordinary workshop, relating the findings of his year-long study of online best practices. The presentation included a staggering 192 slides and revealed so much about the state of fundraising online today that it was virtually indigestible at one sitting. Tom graciously agreed to allow us to publish his findings piecemeal as a new column in this newsletter. What follows is the seventh installment.
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6. Ask Mal
Since 1994, when the Mal Warwick Associates Web site went online, Editor Mal Warwick has answered fundraising questions posed by visitors to the site. Hundreds of those Q&As are available here. In this feature, we'll spotlight one Q&A from the most recent month.
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7. Obama takeaways
By Deborah Block and Paul Karps
Okay, we admit it. We’re suckers for great oratory. And in our book, at least, Barack Obama’s acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention was a stellar example of the power of speech. The goal? To explain and persuade, inspire and motivate.
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8. Does your Web site support your direct mail fundraising?
By Rick Christ
New research published by The NonProfit Times indicates that your Web site is more important than you thought. Almost 50% of people surveyed say that they look up an organization online when they receive a solicitation from them in the mail.
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9. Finding the right mix
By Managing Editor Deborah Block and Paul Karps
Organizations can often have trouble trying to figure out what tone to take in the mail. For instance, it’s sometimes tough to come across as both businesslike—when the situation warrants—and emotional, to motivate people to give.
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10. Who’s mailing most?
When it comes to the volume of direct mail in the U.S., the charitable sector can hold its head high (or low, depending on your environmental perspective). Target Marketing’s 2008 list of Top 50 Mailers—as measured by volume and excluding catalogers—includes 21 nonprofit organizations.
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 Mal Warwick Editor |
Deborah Block Managing Editor
Contributing Editors:
Nick Allen, Donordigital Ken Burnett, Cascaid Consulting Harvey McKinnon, Harvey McKinnon Associates Jerold Panas, Jerold Panas, Linzy & Partners Steve Thomas, Stephen Thomas Joe White, Share Group, Inc.
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Mal Warwick's Newsletter: Successful Direct Mail, Telephone & online FundraisingTM (ISSN 1067-9316) is published 12 times per year by Strathmoor Press, Inc., 2550 Ninth Street, Suite 103, Berkeley CA 94710-2516, phone (510) 843-8888, fax (510) 843-0142, e-mail
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