Dear Ohdeuk,
Last month I asked you and other readers whether you would prefer to receive this newsletter in smaller chunks—perhaps two or three articles in a weekly edition instead of 10 per month.
Responses came in loud and clear: NO, by a ratio of two to one (66% to 34%). So, we’ll continue to publish Mal Warwick’s Newsletter on a monthly basis. However, I’ve asked my colleagues here at Donordigital and Mal Warwick Associates to look for a way we can also publish articles throughout the month. I’ll keep you posted.
Meanwhile, I hope you’ll enjoy this month’s offerings:
- To answer the questions practically every fundraiser is asking about how to cope with the declining world economy, I’ve drafted a white paper that presents a novel approach to the topic.
- Richard Pordes, who deserves much of the credit for UNICEF’s worldwide fundraising success, shares his insight about fundraising innovation in India.
- Tom Gaffny returns with another installment of his exploration of best practices in online fundraising.
- My colleague Michael Stein explores the fast-growing use of video in online fundraising.
- Managing Editor Deborah Block and her partner, Paul Karps, reveal some of the secrets of writing an effective direct mail annual renewal series.
There's lots more, as well! Enjoy! Cheers,
Where's Mal? January 29-30, 2009 — Washington, DC DMA Nonprofit Federation 2009 Washington Nonprofit Conference Site: Renaissance Hotel
February 25-28, 2009 — Hanoi, Vietnam Resource Alliance Vietnam National Workshop
April 23-26, 2009 — Itasca, IL Social Venture Network Spring Gathering Site: Eaglewood Resort
May 5-7, 2009 — online IFC online eConference
July 21-23, 2009 — Washington, DC 2009 Bridge Conference Site: Gaylord Hotel, Resort and Conference Center, National Harbor
Please join Mal and hundreds of other fundraisers specializing in direct response at the 2009 Annual Washington Nonprofit Conference organized by the Direct Marketing Association Nonprofit Federation. It's one of the year's best opportunities to gain insight into current trends and network with your peers.
1. Fundraising in Tough Times By Mal Warwick
Practically everybody in the nonprofit sector is talking about the impact of the fast-spreading worldwide recession on fundraising. There has been a flood of articles, workshops, lectures, blogs, and other commentaries on the topic in recent months. Most of it, in my humble opinion, is little more than opinion-mongering.
To weigh in with a logical analysis and some practical suggestions, my colleague Dan Doyle, CEO of Mal Warwick Associates, and I have written a new paper called “Fundraising in Tough Times” This analysis takes an unorthodox approach to the topic and includes some advice that many people in the direct marketing field will probably think is heretical. For those who want to dig deeper into this subject, Dan and I have also prepared a reading list.
Finally, I've just reached agreement with John Wiley and Sons to write a much-expanded version of this paper for publication as a book early in 2009. Stay tuned!
2. Would you buy a mattress from this charity? By Tom Ahern
Nonprofits love to write about what they do. Isn't that missing the point?
In advertising, the saying goes, “Features tell. Benefits sell.”
Consider the mattress. (Patience. We'll get to fundraising in a minute.)
Its features might include (1) flexible springs that mold to your shape as you turn, (2) a fabric covering that's treated against stains, and (3) an extra layer that manufacturers call “pillow-top” padding.
But you're not really buying features when you shop for a mattress. You're buying the benefits conveyed by those features.
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3. Fundraising Innovation in India By Richard Pordes
In a country of one billion people, India’s 200 million middle-class citizens may be the world’s fastest- growing new pool of potential donors. Faster even than China. But don’t be fooled. India isn’t a “virgin” market any more that will respond to any kind of simple appeal. While that might have been the case a few years ago, today any gains you make will have to be carefully planned and vigorously implemented.
Indian fundraisers, whether domestic or imported, are developing their own unique methods and adapting traditional Western methods to benefit local nonprofits that used to rely mostly on funding from industrialized countries.
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4. It’s tough out there
Even the nation's largest charities say they're “increasingly hard pressed to keep up with the skyrocketing increases in the cost of providing services.” So says The Chronicle of Philanthropy in reporting on the publication's newest edition of The Philanthropy 400. This prestigious annual list ranks the nation's top not-for-profits based on income. In case you're wondering, here are the latest top five, in descending order of size:
5. Destination marketing By Tom Gaffny
In my year-long study of the online practices of 144 nonprofit organizations, I learned about 12 ways that charities are using the online medium to bring donors closer to the cause . . . again and again. They’re thus making their organizations more relevant, more provocative, more stimulating, and more engaging.
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6. Ask Mal
Since 1994, when the Mal Warwick Associates Web site went online, Editor Mal Warwick has answered fundraising questions posed by visitors to the site. Hundreds of those Q&As are available here. In this feature, we'll spotlight one Q&A from the most recent month.
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7. Using video in online appeals By Michael Stein
You’ve probably heard that online video is the big Internet story for 2008. As an online trend, it ranks high up with the 100 million subscribers of Facebook, precipitously dropping “open rates” for e-mail messages, the iPhone, and a winning U.S. presidential candidate who used e-mail, text messaging, and online video to help him win an election.
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8. Evaluating e-mail
For your reading and writing pleasure, my colleagues at Donordigital and I have developed an assessment form that you may use to evaluate the effectiveness of the e-mails you send to solicit gifts or promote involvement in advocacy. Check it out!
9. Writing an annual renewal series By Managing Editor Deborah Block and Paul Karps
With the economic downturn affecting just about every nonprofit in some way or another, it’s easy for panic—or, at the very least, uncertainty—to set in.
Organizations might be wondering just how much money to put into their direct mail efforts or whether to mail at all. And, of course, as some nervous fundraisers learned after slashing their mailing programs post 9/11, it’s never a good idea to stop mailing.
Instead, it’s once again time to get back to basics. And there’s nothing more basic than a basic annual renewal series!
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10. Ho ho ho More than half of Americans say they'll be giving to their favority charity during the holidays with the click of a computer mouse. This according to a study by Jupiter Research and reported in Fundraising Success Giving 2.0. The survey estimates that online charitable contributions in the U.S. will total over $3 billion in the 2008 season of giving.
 Mal Warwick Editor |
Deborah Block Managing Editor |
Contributing Editors:
Nick Allen, Donordigital Ken Burnett, Cascaid Consulting Harvey McKinnon, Harvey McKinnon Associates Jerold Panas, Jerold Panas, Linzy & Partners Steve Thomas, Stephen Thomas Joe White, Share Group, Inc.
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Mal Warwick's Newsletter: Successful Direct Mail, Telephone & online FundraisingTM (ISSN 1067-9316) is published 12 times per year by Strathmoor Press, Inc., 2550 Ninth Street, Suite 103, Berkeley CA 94710-2516, phone (510) 843-8888, fax (510) 843-0142, e-mail news@malwarwick.com.
Copyright © 2008 Strathmoor Press, Inc. All rights reserved. |