Dear Ohdeuk,
I have a question for you.
Is this newsletter too long? Would you prefer to receive this information in smaller chunks—perhaps two or three articles per week instead of 10 per month?
Well, that's two questions, I suppose. But you get the point.
Please e-mail me at to give me your answer. A YES (meaning it's too long) or NO (meaning it's not too long) will be sufficient.
Meanwhile, I hope you'll enjoy what we've got in store for you this month:
There's lots more, as well! Enjoy!
Please join Mal and hundreds of other fundraisers specializing in direct response at the
2009 Annual Washington Nonprofit Conference organized by the Direct Marketing Association Nonprofit Federation. It's one of the year's best opportunities to gain insight into current trends and network with your peers.
1. Are you getting the basics right? By Jonathon Grapsas
"What's different over there?"
I'm asked this almost daily.
As an Aussie who has raised funds in Australia, the UK, and currently North America, I feel I can answer this question reasonably well.
And when it comes to the way that we service donors, the answer is not much.
I've spent a large chunk of the last six years looking at the way charities respond to inquiries and offers of donations from members of the public.
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2. Seniors online? By Rick Christ
Sure, everyone wants a
Facebook Strategy. But if you work for a nonprofit that relies heavily on direct mail contributions, then you or a colleague have probably wondered whether your existing donor database—whose average age is probably mid-60s or older—will (a) come to your Web site and (b) find it useful.
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3. What's in a phone script? (Part 3) By Joe White
Editor's note: In this concluding article of a three-part series, veteran telephone fundraising consultant Joe White critiques a third telephone fundraising script prepared for one of his nonprofit clients' fundraising campaigns. The script itself is reproduced here, with Joe's analysis following it.
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4. Personalized Web sites By Ivan Levison
Just like any commercial marketer, you want your e-mail appeals and newsletters to generate hot leads for your organization. To entice prospects to engage with you, you might create an irresistible offer for prospects—a fabulous brochure or white paper loaded with valuable information that prospects can download from your Web site.
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5. Best Practices By Tom Gaffny
In my year-long study of the online practices of 144 nonprofit organizations, I learned about 12 ways that charities are using the online medium to bring donors closer to the cause . . . again and again. They're thus making their organizations more relevant, more provocative, more stimulating, and more engaging.
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6. Ask Mal Since 1994, when the Mal Warwick Associates Web site went online, Editor Mal Warwick has answered fundraising questions posed by visitors to the site. Hundreds of those Q&As are available here. In this feature, we'll spotlight one Q&A from the most recent month.
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7. How to create a crisis appeal By Peter Schoewe
I've seen lots of discussion lately about whether—and how—nonprofit organizations should talk about the current economic crisis. I believe it's important that you express frankly to your donors your concerns and challenges in the current climate. But there are several mistakes you can make in attempting to deal with this difficult topic.
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8. Meeting expectations Just slightly over one in 10 donors—about 13%—feel their experience as donors has exceeded expectations. So says a survey by
Campbell Rinker, as reported in
NPT Instant Fundraising. At the same time, 83% report their experience met expectations. Another interesting survey result: Two-thirds of the respondents said they occasionally recommend a favorite charity to a friend or family member—and 19% said they frequently do so.
9. Are you ready for consumer choice? By Lesley Hostetter
Direct Marketing Association recently announced the
Commitment to Consumer Choice (CCC), a new standard that all DMA member organizations must abide by as of February 2009.
As you may know, the Commitment to Consumer Choice is an effort by the DMA to empower consumers and donors and strengthen their trust by giving them choices on how we as direct marketers communicate with them.
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10. Legacies from forty-somethings?If you've been neglecting forty-somethings when it comes to planned giving, you might want to reconsider. That's because
Fundraising Success Advisor, reporting on a study by
The Stelter Company, reveals that people in their 40s are "planning for their future much sooner than had been thought." According to the survey, some 66% of those 40 and older write their first will before their 50th birthday. What's more, 41% of people have already prepared wills by the time they turn 40—a percentage that more than doubles to 84% for those with incomes of $100,000 or more.
To watch a Webinar presentation of this study,
click here.
11. Where's Mal?November 17-20, 2008 ? Seoul, Korea
Doum & Nanum Co., Inc.Workshop:
How to Establish and Run a Successful Giving ClubLecture:
Successful Email and Internet FundraisingLecture:
New Trends and Technologies in Fundraising November 25-28 -- Mombasa, Kenya
Resource Alliance Eastern Africa Fundraising Workshop Master Class:
What Every Nonprofit CEO Needs to Know about FundraisingPlenary:
Boosting Your Organisation?s Fundraising and Marketing Programmes with Word-of-MouthWorkshop:
10 Things Every Nonprofit CEO Needs to Know about FundraisingSite:
Sarova White Sands?Beach Resort and SpaMore information
 Mal Warwick Editor |
Deborah Block Managing Editor |
Contributing Editors:
Nick Allen, Donordigital Ken Burnett, Cascaid Consulting Harvey McKinnon, Harvey McKinnon Associates Jerold Panas, Jerold Panas, Linzy & Partners Steve Thomas, Stephen Thomas Joe White, Share Group, Inc.
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Mal Warwick's Newsletter: Successful Direct Mail, Telephone & online FundraisingTM
(ISSN 1067-9316) is published 12 times per year by Strathmoor Press, Inc.,
2550 Ninth Street, Suite 103, Berkeley CA 94710-2516,
phone (510) 843-8888, fax (510) 843-0142, e-mail
Copyright © 2008 Strathmoor Press, Inc. All rights reserved.