
말 워릭

양곡(陽谷) 2008. 5. 30. 19:25


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      June 2008

      In this issue...

 1. Extra!: Use your heart and head when giving
      By Perla Ni

 2. Which is it?

 3. Answerman: Measuring the health of your donorfile 
     (Part 1)
      By Peter Schoewe

 4. Worthwhile!

 5. Best Practices: Destination marketing!
      By Tom Gaffny

 6. Ask Mal

 7. HandsOn: Make your Web site a big hit
      By Lance Trebesch and Taylor Robinson

 8. Where's Mal

 9. Wealthy donors online?
      By Jeff Brooks

10. What's Working: Following up the match

11. Waning?

1. Extra!: Use your heart and head when giving

By Perla Ni

There’s a trend in philanthropy to treat the act of giving as an “investment decision.” This is partly because nonprofit management is taught increasingly in business schools, and partly because more wealthy donors with a business background are becoming involved. . .

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2. Which is it?

First, the good news. A survey by the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) and reported by The NonProfit Times finds that over 65% of charities raised more funds in 2007 than in the previous year—while 24% raised less. Now for the bad: In 2006, 23% of respondents said their fundraising revenue rose by over half. But in 2007, a mere 9% of nonprofits had the same kind of increase. In fact, 41% of the organizations had increases between 1-19%.

According to Paulette V. Maehara, President and CEO of AFP, “The million-dollar question is, do these decreases represent a return to normalcy from the very strong year we saw in 2006, or the beginning of a much bigger slide in fundraising and giving?”

Come to think of it, this question is worth a lot more than a million dollars!

3. Answerman: Measuring the health of your donorfile 
    (Part 1)

By Peter Schoewe

The donors who support your cause have made thousands—or perhaps millions—of individual decisions to send a gift of a certain value at a certain time. The sheer quantity of these decisions and their diverse motivations make it impossible to base fundraising strategy on their full scope. In fact, to create a successful fundraising strategy, you need to be able to see beyond individual donors’ motivations—and be able to quantify the wider trends that are affecting your file’s health.

That may sound contrary to much of the advice you read about fundraising—in which you’re admonished to understand your donors and their motivations inside and out. . .

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4. Worthwhile!

Getting prospects to donate online is challenging, to be sure. Yet according to a survey by Target Analytics and reported in The Chronicle of Philanthropy, those who make their first gift to a charity online donate one-and-a-half times more than first-timers who contribute by mail. In addition, the same study finds that repeat contributions by online givers are also generally larger.

5. Best Practices: Destination marketing!

By Tom Gaffny

At the 2008 DMA Nonprofit Conference in Washington DC, late in January, Epsilon Executive Vice President Tom Gaffny delivered an extraordinary workshop, relating the findings of his year-long study of online best practices. The presentation included a staggering 192 slides and revealed so much about the state of fundraising online today that it was virtually indigestible at one sitting. Tom graciously agreed to allow us to publish his findings piecemeal as a new column in this newsletter. What follows is the fourth installment. . .

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6. Ask Mal

Since 1994, when the Mal Warwick Associates Web site went online, Editor Mal Warwick has answered fundraising questions posed by visitors to the site. Hundreds of those Q&As are available here. In this feature, we'll spotlight one Q&A from the most recent month.

Question from Europe: I have a question about cultural differences influencing fundraising in different countries. Our organisation has managed to get funding for many new projects. But now we are facing the problem that there is no money for running costs because all the cash is restricted to these new projects. We were thinking about letting the accounting department have some rows in our e-newsletter showing their gratitude for the gifts for the new projects, but at the same time raise this issue of the need for funds for running costs. This idea was refused by some local fundraisers, saying that this might have the opposite effect, especially in the U.S. Is this correct, and how would you raise money for the less sexy parts of the organisation?

 Mal answers

7. HandsOn: Make your Web site a big hit

A 30-Day Step-by-Step Guide to Dramatically Improved Search Engine Optimization (Part 4 of 4)

By Lance Trebesch and Taylor Robinson

Your objectives in the fourth and final week include e-mailing potential link partners, negotiating link agreements, and continuing your education of SEO and nonprofit resources online
. . .

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8. Where's Mal

Mal and other top-notch experts will be in Washington DC
July 23-25, 2008 at the Bridge Conference.
Join them to learn the latest fundraising
tips and techniques.

here to obtain more information or to register.

June 3-5, 2008 – Palm Beach FL
DMA Nonprofit Leadership Summit
Discussion Facilitator
Site: Ritz Carlton Hotel

June 5-8, 2008 – Boston MA
Business Alliance for Local Living Economies
2008 BALLE Conference
Panel Discussion: Fundraising for BALLE Networks
Site: Boston University

July 7-9, 2008 - London, United Kingdom
UK Institute of Fundraising National Convention

July 23-25, 2008 – Washington DC
Bridge to Integrated Direct Marketing Conference
Pre-Conference Workshop: Crafting a Message to Win More Supporters for Your Cause
Workshop: The Copy Clinic: How to Write Successful Fundraising Letters
Site: Washington Hilton Hotel

August 4-7, 2008 – Minneapolis MN
Planned Parenthood Federation of America Development Officers Conference
Workshop: The Copywriter's Workshop: Crafting Brilliant Letters, E-mails, and Telemarketing Scripts for Breakthrough Fundraising Results
Workshop: Creating the Perfect Year-End Campaign
Workshop: The Do’s and Don’ts of Response Devices

October 14-17, 2008 – Noordwijk, The Netherlands
28th International Fundraising Congress
Master Class: The Copywriter’s Workshop: Crafting Brilliant Letters, E-mails, and Telemarketing Scripts for Breakthrough Fundraising Results
Site: NH Leeuwenhorst Hotel

9. Wealthy donors online?
By Jeff Brooks

A much-remarked study called “The Wired Wealthy” (from Sea Change Strategies and Convio) shows a high level of Internet usage by high-end donors. . .

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10. What's Working: Following up the match

Asking donors to support a matching grant is one of the best direct mail fundraising tools around. So really promoting this sort of grant is paramount whenever such an opportunity presents itself. . .

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11. Waning?

Just a quarter of Americans believe not-for-profits do a “very good” job of helping people. So says a recent poll by New York University’s Organizational Performance Initiative and reported in The Chronicle of Philanthropy. The number reflects a drop of over 25% from the 34% recorded in 2003—and continues a downward trend noted in 2006 when 30% felt this way. Paul Light, a professor in the university’s Robert F. Wagner School of Public Service, writing in a summary of the survey findings, calls this decline “deeply troubling and suggests that charitable organizations may be losing their most prized possession, their reputation for caring.”

Mal Warwick

Deborah Block 
Managing Editor

Kieu Tran
Production Manager

Contributing Editors:

Nick Allen, Donordigital
Ken Burnett, Cascaid
Harvey McKinnon, Harvey McKinnon Associates
Jerold Panas,
Jerold Panas, Linzy & Partners
Steve Thomas, Stephen Thomas
Joe White, Share Group, Inc.


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Mal Warwick's Newsletter: Successful Direct Mail, Telephone & online FundraisingTM
(ISSN 1067-9316)
is published 12 times per year by Strathmoor Press, Inc.,
2550 Ninth Street, Suite 103, Berkeley CA 94710-2516,
phone (510) 843-8888, fax (510) 843-0142, e-mail info@strathmoor.com.

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