New IFC chair Paul Farthing tells you what you can expect for 2012
For 2012 the IFC will continue to give you access to the best thinking in fundraising from around the world to help you develop the skills you need to excel in your fundraising career, whether you are a current or a future fundraising leader.
However this year we will also be introducing sessions that will offer you new perspectives from outside the fundraising sector. Get inspired about areas that are important to your work, including leadership, managing change and effectiveness from experts, such as those from the commercial sector and academics.
Watch this video to hear from Paul Farthing, new Chair of the IFC Advisory Panel tell you about the theme of this year’s conference and exactly what you can look forward to this year.
This email is the first in a series of emails that we will be sending you in the following months to give you a preview into some of the fantastic new innovations we have in store for you for our 2012 conference!
The IFC 2012 takes place on 16-19 October 2012. Visit our website now for more information or to reserve your place!
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