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The world’s best fundraising conference
Since 1981, the London-based Resource Alliance has been presenting the International Fundraising Congress every year at a comfortable conference center near Amsterdam in The Netherlands. The event, now attracting close to 1,000 people, seems to get better with every passing year. If you’re jaded by the usual run of fundraising conferences where you don’t seem to learn anything new, this is the event for you. You’ll find senior fundraisers from more than 50 countries at the IFC—an unparalleled opportunity to network and to pick up ideas and insights you’ll never hear about anywhere else. Check it out.
1. Is integrated fundraising for real? By Nick Allen
Integration of online and direct mail fundraising has been a staple topic of development conferences for at least five years now. So it’s time to separate the results from the hype.
Yes, of course you should seek to integrate your mail and online programs, and the larger the programs, the more upside for integration. Of course, you want to enable your supporters to donate by whatever channel they choose for a given gift—the BRE, the donation page on your site, or plain unmarked bills delivered to your door.
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2. Where's Mal?
September 2, 2009 – Phoenix AZ AFP Greater Arizona Chapter Luncheon Address: Fundraising When Money Is Tight Workshop: Fundraising in a Global Context Workshop: Technology and the Future of Direct Response Site: Sheraton Hotel
September 7-9, 2009 – San Francisco CA Momentum Leadership Conference 2009 Site: W Hotel San Francisco
October 2, 2009 – Los Angeles CA ArtsReach National Arts Marketing & Fundraising Conference Keynote: The New Frontier in Fundraising and Marketing Workshop: The copywriter's clinic: Crafting brilliant appeals for breakthrough fundraising results Site: Biltmore Hotel
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3. An involvement device that does double duty By Managing Editor Deborah Block and Paul Karps
Elsewhere in this issue, Jeff Brooks comments quite thoughtfully about the ACLU being a “laughable wolf-crier” through its seemingly never-ending renewal program. However, here’s another aspect of the organization’s direct mail work we recently received that does deserve kudos.
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4. Attention NGO fundraisers in Asia, Africa, and Latin America
The North American market is flooded with books about fundraising—so much so that I recently told a publisher who invited me to write a quickie book that I thought there were already too many titles on the market and I didn’t want to add to the glut unless I had a really good reason to do so.
Things are different in the Global South: Asia, Africa, Latin America, and Eastern Europe. A whole lot different. There, books published in Europe or North America are almost always prohibitively expensive, and in many cases they’re simply not relevant. They also tend to be too specialized.
Principles are transferable, for the most part. Examples aren’t.
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5. Ask Mal
Since 1994, when the Mal Warwick Associates Web site went online, Editor Mal Warwick has answered fundraising questions posed by visitors to the site. Hundreds of those Q&As are available here. Here’s one Mal answered not long ago.
Question: How can I validate if my sample calling size is large enough to be statistically valid? We are thinking of calling 504 donors (28 per segment), divided among 18 segments out of a database of 45,000. Is this valid statistically? Where can I validate this? Is there a Web site that would be helpful?
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6. Is your nonprofit un-deserving? By Tom Ahern
Dianna Huff recently wrote me a note about her experiences with two local charities.
Dianna is a gifted, results-driven sales copywriter, a specialist in “getting you noticed on the Web,” and a terrific mom.
Today, though, meet her as (1) delighted donor and (2) disgusted donor.
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7. What good nonprofit e-newsletters look like By Kivi Leroux Miller
Twisted in knots about how to design your email newsletter? Biting your nails over HTML code, color schemes, and layout?
Relax. (Deep breaths . . . In and out . . .) It turns out you don't need to be a graphic designer.
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8. 14 trends in foundation giving (Part 2) By Rob Blizard
Editor’s note: In Part 1 last month, Rob discussed six standout trends: a drive toward simplicity, continuing reliance on personal relationships, little support for operating funds, a focus on outcomes and results, process changes due to technology, and reduced giving from corporate sources.
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9. Too much mail? By Jeff Brooks
I get variations of this piece of mail from the ACLU several times a year:
I've been getting these since I sent a donation during the Bush I administration. Bush Senior had tried to smear his election opponent by calling him a “card-carrying member” of the ACLU—which, as far as I was concerned, was a dynamite recommendation of the organization.
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 Mal Warwick Editor |
Deborah Block Managing Editor |
Contributing Editors:
Nick Allen, Donordigital Ken Burnett, Cascaid Consulting Harvey McKinnon, Harvey McKinnon Associates Jerold Panas, Jerold Panas, Linzy & Partners Steve Thomas, Stephen Thomas Joe White, Share Group, Inc.
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Mal Warwick's Newsletter: Successful Direct Mail, Telephone & online Fundraising ™ (ISSN 1067-9316) is published 12 times per year by Strathmoor Press, Inc., 2550 Ninth Street, Suite 103, Berkeley CA 94710-2516, phone (510) 843-8888, fax (510) 843-0142, email news@malwarwick.com.
Copyright © 2009 Strathmoor Press, Inc. All rights reserved. |
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