The Fundraising Hotline Published by the Fundraising Ideas & Products Center 27,567 Subscribers |
 September 2008
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Thank you for subscribing to The Fundraising Hotline. We hope each issue will contain information that is beneficial to you. We also invite you to visit our website where you can view this newsletter online, review a listing of top U.S. and Canadian fundraising companies and download our free Fundraising Resource Guide to review at your leisure. |
Fundraising News From Around the World
Flint, MI: Restaurant offers discounts to assist Big Brothers Big Sisters in fundraiser for �unmatched� boys; Gilbert, PA: Midget racing club holds weekend fundraiser in honor of the Marines Helping Marines Organization; Stow-Munroe Falls, OH: Chamber of Commerce raises funds with auction of gift baskets donated by local merchants; Stonnington, Victoria, AU: Restaurant holds meat pie fundraiser to help raise money for children living with cancer; Kalispell, MT: 4-H clubs holds kiss-a-pig fundraiser at state fair; Cape Coral, FL: Two pre-teens combine to land 1,953 karate kicks in 18 minutes in kick-a-thon fundraiser for Muscular Dystrophy Association; Yankton, SD: Retired & Senior Volunteer Program holds Goofy Golf fundraiser at miniature golf park; Minneapolis, MN: Reality TV fan pays $40 at silent auction fundraiser for a police ride-along; Weston, Staffordshire, UK: Hand-carved rocking horse auctioned to raise funds for hospice; Mountcharles, Donegal, IE: Two brothers participate in 21-day row in fundraising effort for Irish hospices; Hartford, CT: Doggie swim at public pool to raise funds for park where they can run free of leashes and play with each other; Tyler, TX: Literary council holds adult spelling bee fundraiser; Sudbury, ontario, CA: Volunteers participate in bikini car wash fundraiser for Canadian Diabetes Association; New Port Richey, FL: Scavenger hunt benefits veteran fundraiser who needs new heart; Gilberts, IL: Artist offers discount portraits of dogs in world hunger fundraiser; USA: Church members participate in sea-to-sea 3,881 mile bike ride fundraiser to fight poverty; Brazos County, TX: 4-H club holds cake show and auction .. categories included 4-H theme cakes, good old fashion eating cakes, pound cakes, pies and chocolate cakes; Arkansas City, AR: Fast draw contest benefits local man recovering from a brain aneurysm. | �Our softball team just raised over $5,000 profit, for the 2nd year in a row with JustFundraising� - No money down - Up to 90% profit - Free shipping � Personalized service - We guarantee the highest profit on all of America's favorite fundraising programs - Over 35 fundraisers: M&M Mars, Hershey�s and the Original one Dollar candy bars, scratch cards, gourmet cookie dough, lollipops, candles, cheesecake, pizza dough, fine chocolate, safety kits, granola bars, Jack Links beef jerky, magazines and much more for your group. Start by getting your free fundraising sample kit or call toll free at 1-888-440-4114. |

Do-It-Yourself Fundraiser Of The Month
A contributor came up with the idea of Sticky Fly for Child Abuse Prevention Month (which happens to be April). Find a popular teacher willing to participate. You'll also need lots of duct tape. Post flyers around the school a week ahead of time advertising your fundraiser. on the appointed day, during lunch hours, find a spot where students and faculty pass by regularly. Set a chair up against a wall so that the side of the chair (NOT the back or front, otherwise it won't work right) is firmly against the wall. Place a couple of gym mats or cushions in front of the chair as a precaution. Have the teacher stand up on the chair with his/her back against the wall. For fifty cents per yard of duct tape, students and faculty can tape the teacher to the wall. When the teacher is firmly taped to the wall, stop selling tape. Announce that you will now remove the chair to see just how long the "fly" can stick to the wall. If you want to, before removing the chair, take bets on how long the teacher will remain on the wall. It makes the game even more interesting for everyone. Another example .... a high school principal had a great view of a basketball game halftime festivities after agreeing to participate in a fundraiser for the Pom squad, and found himself affixed to the gymnasium wall. The squad sold tape at one dollar per foot. Enough sticky stuff was purchased and swiftly applied to securely hold the principal to the wall. Local businesses also donated money to the effort. This is a great way to involve the students and faculty in a fun and engaging activity, and to raise awareness at the same time. |

Morris Press Cookbooks had modest beginnings when Fred Carlson opened a small local print shop in 1933. His son-in-law, Harold Morris, took over the business in 1956, and Harold's son, Scott, became President in 1976. Now we are the nation's largest cookbook publisher, printing cookbooks from all 50 states. Cookbooks are proven fundraisers and perfect keepsakes. For a free cookbook kit that shows you how a fundraising cookbook is affordable, profitable, and fun, visit our web site at or call us at (800) 445-6621, ext. FHOTLN. |
Non-Profit In The Spotlight
Homeward Bound is a transitional housing program for homeless and domestic violence families with children in metropolitan Phoenix, Arizona. Beginning with one family and one home, Homeward Bound now owns and operates 162 housing units, which house as many as 595 people, more than 400 of whom are children. Families are the fastest growing segment of the homeless population. Studies have found that nearly 20 percent of the homeless are children. Many families are living just one paycheck away from the streets. An unexpected crisis, such as illness, death, job loss, desertion or divorce can force families with children out onto the streets. The working poor are then homeless. Domestic violence happens when one member of a household harms another member of the household. In a recent survey of women in Maricopa County, 16 percent admitted to currently being in an abusive relationship. Sixty-two percent have children at home who are present during the abuse. It is crucial that these families learn how to live independent and healthy lives so that their children will not repeat what has become, for far too many, a way of life. By teaching families alternative patterns, we all benefit from productive, stable, and self-sufficient citizens. Since its inception in 1990, thousands of children and their families have graduated from the Homeward Bound program and have become self-sufficient, contributing members of society. |
DigiLabs photo calendars are an excellent way to fundraise. Customize calendars for your group and create a unique and functional product that everyone will want each year. Add local sponsors� information and cover initial cost and raise more funds quickly. DigiLabs will also make your calendars available on an online store so that you can continue to raise funds 24/7 with no effort. Personalize your calendars with your groups� photos, events, and information. Promote your organization or group year round. Create calendars within minutes with DigiLabs free software. |

This Month In History
"Mary Had a Little Lamb" was published (9/1/1830); The image of "Uncle Sam", a symbol of America, was first used (9/3/1913); The Island of Manhattan is founded by Henry Hudson (9/4/1609); Barbie dolls go on sale for the first time (9/6/1959); Cal Ripken Jr. broke Lou Gehrig's baseball iron man record by playing in his 2,131st game (9/6/1995); The first Miss America beauty pageant is held in Atlantic City (9/7/1921); Star Trek premiered on television (9/8/1966); The USA came into existence as the Continental Congress changed the name of the new American nation from the United Colonies to the United States (9/9/1776); Elvis Presley first appears on the Ed Sullivan Show (9/9/1956); Swanson sells the first frozen dinner (9/10/1953); The worst terrorist attack in U.S. history occurred (9/11/2001); The Beatles recorded their 1st single "Love Me Do" (9/11/1962); John F. Kennedy married Jacqueline Bouvier (9/12/1953); The U.S. Congress chose New York as the federal capital of the new American government (9/13/1788); Words composed to "Star Spangled Banner" (9/14/1814); Tanks were first used in combat (9/15/1916); The bloodiest day in U.S. military history occurred at Antietam during the Civil War (9/17/1862); Billie Jean King defeats Bobby Riggs in a battle of the sexes tennis match (9/20/1973); First ever televised Presidential debate is held .. Kennedy vs. Nixon (9/26/1960); The U.S. Postal Service was founded (9/26/1789); Congress created the United States Army, consisting of 1,000 enlisted men and officers (9/29/1789); Actor James Dean was killed in a car crash at age 24 (9/30/1955). |
Christmas Forest Wreaths: Serving you since 1976, we are here to help make your fundraising project successful. Choose the Easy Plan to have forest fresh wreaths shipped directly to your customer. Choose the Bulk Plan to order in cases at wholesale prices and earn your group 30-40%. Reward or sell music CDs featuring top artists and customized liner booklets. Earn high margins without risk. Select from six titles, or program your own collection. Free shipping. Call 866-826-1100 or visit for more details or sales kit. Leave lasting impressions with music.
Fun Pasta Fundraising: Unique, healthy, & new! Pasta in �fun shapes� including cheerleading, collegiate, holidays, & more! Friendly customer service, free brochures, free shipping, Up to 50% profits. Prize packages include Itunes gift cards. Go to fun pasta for more info and watch our videos! (1-800-247-0188 x205).
Create "Your Town"-Opoly. Raise big $$$ and have fun doing it with custom board games from Pride Distributors. Free "getting started" kit and sample game for "show and tell". Check this out-each sale-100% profit. Absolutely no risk and no obligation. Call Harriet @ 800-451-5442 or e-mail
The Fundraising Hotline is published monthly by the Fundraising Ideas & Products Center, 5000-18 US Highway 17 - Box #62 ~ Orange Park, FL 32003. Advertise your site. |