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현역 장군의 쿠테타 불가능 이유 5가지

양곡(陽谷) 2024. 12. 10. 10:53

***5 Reasons Why a Coup Is Not Possible According to an Active General**

It is a very Korean phenomenon. When a new government is established in advanced countries, it is common for the defense minister to be replaced, but it is rare for even major general-level posts to be appointed under the minister. Then, why do we "replace" the upper ranks of the military? The answer is simple. The new ruling party wants to plant "my people" in the military. That is how we can prevent an unexpected incident and a coup d'etat.

However, Maj. Gen. K, the incumbent commander of the division, bluntly says, "A military coup in Korea will be impossible forever now." There are five reasons why he says so.

First, it is impossible to maintain security because of mobile phones. It is difficult to maintain security from the process of plotting a coup right away. Even if you succeeded in mocking, you would not be a giant. This is because every move of a specific unit or group is quickly known to the world by people.

Second, luckily, even if you try to gather the military and enter the central stage with your equipment, it is difficult to move (at the scheduled time) due to traffic congestion. In the past, there was a curfew, so it was possible to move troops and equipment quickly, but under the current circumstances, it is difficult to overcome traffic congestion in the metropolitan area unless the central authorities control it.

Third, even if the military and equipment were deployed to the central stage braving 萬難, there is no way to persuade the public. As in the past, accepting a small number of newspapers and broadcasters does not allow the public to agree. It is certain that the public will punish the coup d'etat by exchanging opinions and information through mobile phones and the Internet.

Fourth, military coups are only possible in places where the military is ahead of other social sectors. Only then will the military dominate other sectors with cause and power. However, we have long been ahead of other sectors, such as politics, economy, society, and culture.

Lastly, fifth, because the military knows the previous four facts that are too obvious before anyone else