기고] 정신과 의사는 후쿠시마에서 공포마케팅을 본다
후쿠시마 오염수로 온 나라가 난리다. 국제원자력기구(IAEA)의 시험 결과를 자신의 입장에 따라 해석하며 진실 여부를 판단하는 지경에 이르렀다. 방사능 농도가 높다는 사고 이후 바로 방류되었던 오염수에도 2010년 이전과 2011년 사고 이후의 우리나라 해안의 방사능 수치에 차이가 없다는 한국원자력안전기술원의 보고가 있다. 한국해양과학기술원 발표를 근거로 보면, 후쿠시마 오염수 방류 후 그 바닷물이 우리나라로 들어오는 몇 년 후에도 방류 당시의 6억분의 1 정도의 방사능이 돌아온다. 방사선의 영향 정도를 나타내는 단위는 mSv(밀리시버트)인데, 우리나라 근처의 바닷물을 식수로 1조년 동안 마셔야 흉부 X-ray 1번 찍을 때의 방사선 양인 0.2-0.5mSv 정도를 받는다. 방사선사의 1년에 허용되는 방사능 양이 50mSv이니 거의 영향이 없다고 봐도 무방하다. 자연계에는 우리가 피하려고 해도 피할 수 없는 공기나 땅으로부터 나오는 방사선이나 음식이나 공기를 통해 받는 방사선이 존재하는데, 인간은 연간 2.4mSv의 자연 방사선을 받으며 살고 있다. 이 내용은 과학적 사실이다. 그럼에도 불구하고 왜 많은 정치인과 과학자들은 후쿠시마 오염수와 관련하여 불안을 조성하는 것일까?
불안은 ‘이유 없이 막연히 나타나는 불쾌한 정서적 상태’이다. 불안은 대상이 없는 막연한 상태이지만, 공포는 그것을 일으키는 특정 상황이나 사물이 있어야 한다. 이런 측면에서 현재 나타나고 있는 국민 정서는 불안보다는 오히려 공포에 가깝다. 현재 불안을 조장하는 것은 공포 마케팅이다.
공포를 느끼면 인간은 두 가지 반응 중 하나로 나타난다. 급성 스트레스 반응의 하나로 그 대상과 싸움을 하거나 도망을 하는 둘 중 하나를 하게 된다. 미국의 생리학자 월터 캐넌이 처음으로 언급한 바로 싸움-도피 행동(fight or flight)이다. 이 반응으로 스트레스 호르몬이 분비되고, 심장 박동 수와 혈압이 올라가며 호흡도 빨라진다. 즉, 교감 신경이 극단적으로 활성화된 상태인데, 만성피로, 우울, 면역력의 감소, 그리고 두통, 천식, 소화불량 등 각종 신체 증상이 나타날 수 있다. 이런 상태가 지속되면 몸과 마음은 큰 상처를 입을 수 있다
.Psychiatrist sees fear marketing in Fukushima
Fukushima contamination has the country in a frenzy. It has come to the point where people are interpreting the test results of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) according to their own position and deciding whether they are true or not. There is a report from the Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety and Technology that there is no difference in the radiation level of the Korean coast before 2010 and after the accident in 2011, even in the contaminated water that was released immediately after the accident with high radiation concentration. Based on the KERIS report, even years after the release of contaminated water from Fukushima, the seawater entering Korea is still about 600 millionths as radioactive as it was at the time of release. The unit to measure the effect of radiation is mSv (millisievert), and if you drink seawater near Korea for one year, you will receive 0.2-0.5 mSv, which is the amount of radiation from one chest X-ray. It is safe to say that it has almost no effect, as the allowed amount of radiation for a radiologist is 50 mSv per year. In the natural world, there is radiation from the air and ground that we can't avoid even if we try, as well as radiation from food and air, and humans receive 2.4 mSv of natural radiation per year. These are scientific facts, so why are so many politicians and scientists creating anxiety around Fukushima contaminated water?
Anxiety is "an unpleasant emotional state that occurs for no apparent reason. Anxiety is a vague state without an object, whereas fear has a specific situation or object that causes it. In this sense, the current public sentiment is more akin to fear than anxiety. The current fear-mongering is fear marketing.
When we feel fear, we react in one of two ways. As part of the acute stress response, we either fight or flee. The fight or flight behaviour was first described by the American physiologist Walter Cannon. This response releases stress hormones, increases heart rate and blood pressure, and speeds up breathing. In other words, the sympathetic nervous system is extremely active, which can lead to chronic fatigue, depression, decreased immunity, and other physical symptoms such as headaches, asthma, and indigestion. This can take a toll on your body and mind.
Fukushima contamination has the country in a frenzy. It has come to the point where people are interpreting the test results of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) according to their own position and deciding whether they are true or not. There is a report from the Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety and Technology that there is no difference in the radiation level of the Korean coast before 2010 and after the accident in 2011, even in the contaminated water that was released immediately after the accident with high radiation concentration. Based on the KERIS report, even years after the release of contaminated water from Fukushima, the seawater entering Korea is still about 600 millionths as radioactive as it was at the time of release. The unit to measure the effect of radiation is mSv (millisievert), and if you drink seawater near Korea for one year, you will receive 0.2-0.5 mSv, which is the amount of radiation from one chest X-ray. It is safe to say that it has almost no effect, as the allowed amount of radiation for a radiologist is 50 mSv per year. In the natural world, there is radiation from the air and ground that we can't avoid even if we try, as well as radiation from food and air, and humans receive 2.4 mSv of natural radiation per year. These are scientific facts, so why are so many politicians and scientists creating anxiety around Fukushima contaminated water?
Anxiety is "an unpleasant emotional state that occurs for no apparent reason. Anxiety is a vague state without an object, whereas fear has a specific situation or object that causes it. In this sense, the current public sentiment is more akin to fear than anxiety. The current fear-mongering is fear marketing.
When we feel fear, we react in one of two ways. As part of the acute stress response, we either fight or flee. The fight or flight behaviour was first described by the American physiologist Walter Cannon. This response releases stress hormones, increases heart rate and blood pressure, and speeds up breathing. In other words, the sympathetic nervous system is extremely active, which can lead to chronic fatigue, depression, decreased immunity, and other physical symptoms such as headaches, asthma, and indigestion. This can take a toll on your body and mind.
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