
모금행사 Check list

양곡(陽谷) 2022. 4. 22. 16:50

모금행사 Check list

모금행사를 하려면 다음 항목을 반드시 체크해 두어야 하겠다.

1) 필요한 모금 목표액을 정한다.

2) 모금행사의 목적(무엇에 사용된다)을 세운다.

3) 자세한 행사계획을 짜야한다.

4) 모금권유위원회와 행사 조직에 저명인사들을 위촉한다.

5) 단체가 사용해온 공문서 용지를 행사에 맞게 재조정 및 재검토한다..

6) 먼저 관계인들에게 편지, 방문, 개인 접촉 및 홍보를 해서 행사 분위기를 조성한다.

7) 전단, 포스터, 영수증, 기부 관계 서류, 단체 팸플릿 등을 인쇄해서 몇 개월 전부터 배포한다.

8) 단체의 이미지가 오래된 경우나 잘못된 경우는 시정하는 조치를 취한다.

9) 준비기간이 반 정도 경과할 때 즉 모금행사와 프로그램이 분명해질 때 몇몇의 제한된 동정심 많은 기부자에게 접근하여 큰 액수의 기부금을 개발한다. 이 결과로 다른 기부자를 개발하는 데 많은 격려와 도움이 된다.

10) 기부 대상자 명부를 작성하고 분석하여 가능한 한 개인적인 접촉을 통해 적절한 전략을 세운다. 즉 개개인의 과거 기부한 경력, 누구를 통하여 접촉을 권유할 것인가? 등 여러 가지 접근방법에 관한 정보를 수집한다.(예를 들면.( 이발사, 음식점 등)

11) 가능한 한 많은 자원지도자들을 확보하여 그들로 하여금 모금권유위원회, 준비위원회 등에서 일하게 하여 그들과 함께 계획에 대하여 토의하고 개인 접촉,, 기역 담당 기업체 담당 등을 관리하여 맡도록 한다. 과거 자기 기관에 협조적이고 기부를 많이 한자를 모금권유위원회에 참가시키는 방법도 좋겠다.

12) 어떤 지역 또는 전국적인 모금행사일 경우 그 지역에서 모금행사 대표를 선정하고 위원회 조직을 강화해야 한다. 모금행사 대표를 선정하는 가장 중요한 요소 중의 하나이다.

13) 모금행사 개시를 기념하는 기념식을 약 3개월 전에 할 수 있도록 준비한다.

14) 모금행사 개시 기념식 후 모금활동을 위한 주선은 몇 달 전에 준비 완료해야 한다.















Here are some useful questions to help your special event committee begin its planning. the chairpersons of the committee can revise this list to fit your own group. Then send out the list to everyone on the event committee and ask them to come to the next meeting with their own ideas and lists of names.


Planning Checklist-Questions to Ask First


What do we already have in the organization to make this fundraising project a success? What factors should we consider in choosing an event?





1. What talents do our leaders have? What do we want to do? Is this the best use of our time right now? Would we be better off simply asking for money rather than planning and producing a special event? Can we use this event to help develop the skills of future leaders?

2. What talents do our members have? What do they want to do? What kinds of events have they held for other organizations?

3. How many members do we have who will work on this kind of event? List their names.

4. Who will we sell our tickets to List the names of everyone to whom you personally can sell a ticket. Add the number of tickets you bought yourself. These are your sure sales. Then list the places and dates where and when you will try to sell additional tickets and how many you hope to sell at each location, such as "Wednesday night - choir practice - four tickets." Add up all the lists and you will know 80 to 90 percent of your ticket sales. The balance will come from sales by the members and friends. unless your benefit features a recording, TV, or movie star whose name alone will draw a crowd, never depend on publicity for more than 2 percent of your sales. Publicity does not sell tickets; people sell tickets.

5. Are there any new people we can ask to work on this event? List their names.

6. Do we want any of our paid staff to work on this event? If so, who? What should they do? How much will their salaries add to our costs? Remember, volunteers are usually more effective and always free! If you do choose to pay an employee to work on a fundraising event, be sure two of your best volunteers sere as apprentices this year so they can do that job for free next year.




1. How much seed money do we have to hold this event? Where will it come from - our treasury, a loan, or advance sales?

2. When will we have to spend the money? when will the money come in? What is our break - even point (income = expenses)?

3. Who will handle the money coming in? Who will control money going out?

4. Bank - will we need a separate account? Do we need any special arrangements to handle lots of cash?




1. How much time does the organization want to spend fundraising? Is there any way to shorten it?

2. Are there any major conflicts in the organization's calendar? the community calendar?

3. How much of our time do we want to allocate to this project?

4. If this event is to be repeated annually, is this the best time of the year for it?

5. What consideration should we make for bad weather (e.g., an alternative snow/rain date, inside location, or insurance)?





1. What does the organization already own that we can use for this event?

2. What do our members own or have access to that they would like to use?

3. What do other friendly organizations have that they will let us use?




Planning checklist for Goals -

What Do We Want to Achieve from This Project?


1. Amount of money, net; percent of annual budget.

2. Number of people involved; where and how.

3. Number of leadership roles possible.

4. Number of new members brought in.

5. Experience. Which new skills will be learned? What do we want to know for the next event and for this event next year?

6. Who will take the leadership positions?

7. How will it challenge the elected leaders?

8. What will be the publicity generated? How much, what kind, and where?


9. What will be the psychological effect of the event;

a. within the organizations?

b. outside the organization to people you want to join?

c. to the adversaries, if any?

d. to the staff?

10. Can it be repeated - in six months, one year? What is the probable increase next time?

11.Which new sources of renewable income will we reach?

a. active members

b. subscribers for the mailing list

c. major donors

d. local merchants, businesses, and professionals

e. churches

f. unions

12. Organizational advantages - morale, new people, new area, new style event.

13. Fun.



Basics for All Special Events


1. Notification of the police

2. Proper insurance

3. Cash boxes

4. Cash in proper denominations for each cash box

5. Receipts

6. Literature on your organization

Current newsletter or fact sheet

Calendar of next month's meetings and events

Membership applications

Sale merchandise - buttons, cookbooks, research, etc.

7. Sign-up list (Can be accomplished simply with door prize)

8. Name tags for committee or everyone

9. Emergency numbers for police, fire, and ambulance

10. Cash for emergencies; coins for pay phone

11. First aid kit

12. Pens

13. Tape

14. Poster board and black markers

15. Errand runner for emergencies and forgotten things

16, Watch

17. Aspirin

18. Comfortable shoes

19. All necessary phone number -band, host, speakers

20. Name of paramedic, doctor, or nurse who will be present

21. Sense of humor, tact, patience, and imagination


If location does not provide, also bring and know how to operate;

1. Fire extinguisher

2. Sound system



Child Care Checklist*


This checklist has been compiled by Bob Shurtleff, with the help of The Childcare Switchboard and The Toy Center in San Francisco. Veterans share their tested ideas for providing quality child care at special events.





1. Is the site safe? Look for fire hazards, electrical hazards, open stairs, etc.

2. Check for access to bathrooms and drinking water. Can children use them without disturbing the adults? Will adults using the bathrooms disturb the children?

3. Ideally, there should be separate spaces for different activities and ages of the children. For example, babies need a quiet space to sleep in, while older children may need an open space for more active play.





1. Bring toys, paper, cloth, paint, crayons, scissors, play dough, balloons, books, and anything else that young people might enjoy.

2. Babies may need blankets, mattresses, and diapers.

3. FOOD! Always plan a snack. Children get hungry at different times, so it's a good idea to have apples, carrots, popcorn, and such for nibbling. A 냣애주 snack can also provide a quiet time for everyone. Don't forget - child care workers get hungry, too.

4. It's a good idea to have water or juice available in bottles with cups for drinks. This helps avoid quarrels at the drinking fountain.

5. Get a small first aid kit - Band-Aids, gauze, iodine, and such. If the parents are not going to be nearby, have them sign a medical release form so the child can get medical treatment in an emergency.

6. Bring name tags, sign-in sheets, pens and pencils, and masking tape to mark the things the children bring with them.





1. Publicity for the event should include information on child care. "Child care provided" should mean that everything necessary for child care has been taken care of by those organizing the event. It child care is to be shared by the people who come to the event, advertise it as cooperative child care. If parents need to call in advance to get child care, say "Child care available by arrangement" and give a telephone number for people to call.

2. Have all the child care workers arrive well in advance. A preliminary meeting will usually be necessary with the coordinator and some of the workers.

3. Decide what the rules are. Child care works best when there are definite boundaries to the child care area. When and under what circumstances may children go in and out? Safety rules are important, too, like no running on the stairs. Rules may be necessary to protect the room you are using, uch as no writing on the walls.

4. Have a structure ready for the children to come into. How will ceach child be greeted?





1. Try to get an estimate of how many children there will be. Is it possible to have some of the parents sign up in advance? Plan for one adult for each five or six children.

2. Have a reserve force of child care providers, so there is someone who can help if there are more children than were expected. Plan for relief for the child care workers.

3. Try to have a balance of men and women doing child care.

4. Child care is work. Child care workers should be paid. If, as is sometimes the case, there is no money available, they should be paid in some other way - perhaps with admission to some other event.





1. One worker should greet the children as they come in. Have the parent fill in the sign-in sheet. You need to have the child's name, the parent's name, and any special problems, such as potty training or allergies.

2. Mark any toys, food, or supplies the child brings along, particularly baby bags - pen and masking tape work fine.

3. If there are any rules the children are expected to follow, tell them right away.

4. If a child is crying or fussing on arrival, the child care worker should take charge of the situation. Show confidence. Pick up the child and comfort him or her. Let the parents know that you are in control, so they can leave without feeling guilty.





1. Plan as exciting and varied a program as possible. Can the child care be as exciting an event as what is planned for the adults?

2. Plan different activities for different age groups - quiet artwork and active games. Each activity needs to have a particular person planning and carrying it out.

3. If the main event is a concert or benefit, ask the musicians to come and perform for the children.

4. For short -time child care, one special activity can often be planned that will occupy most of the children -mask making, play dough, movies, a puppet show, rhythm band, face painting.





1. Find out in advance when the event is scheduled to end, so everyone can be ready.

2. One worker should be in charge of signing each child out. Make sure the children leave with everything they brought. Make sure none of the children leave without an adult.

3. Start cleanup well before closing time, so that the children have a chance to participate in cleaning up.

4. Have an evaluation meeting, either immediately or at some later time to talk about what went right and what might be done better next time. Ask the children and parents as they are leaving how they liked what went on.


Children are people. They deserve more than to be locked up together while the adults are off somewhere else. When they are upset or crying, they need loving attention. Child care workers should never be just a new kind of police. Children are entitled to freedom and self-determination. The freedom of a child should be bounded only by the necessity for safety and adequate group care.

The goal of good child care is to provide as exciting and fruitful an event for the young people as we plan for the adults. And it must reflect our politice and respect for children as people.