
Basic Campaign Axioms

양곡(陽谷) 2022. 4. 18. 14:03

Basic Campaign Axioms

권오득추천 0조회 022.04.18 14:00댓글 0
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Basic Campaign Axioms
Recruit form the top.
Select the right man for the right job.
Success breeds success.
People give to people, not to causes.
Big meetings - small gifts; Small meetings - big gifts.
Keep it simple, say it often, and be sure it's ture.
It takes money to raise money.
You can't ask others for Fair Share giving unless you've given your Fair Share First.
Campaign success is a direct reflection of the quality of leadership.
Fair Share giving begets Fair Share giving.
Seeking "average" gifts will bring down leadership gifts faster than it will raise those below average.
One personal contact is worth a thousand letters.
No one will goive enough unless they are asked.
Emphasize the "deeds" as well as the "needs."