
Fundraiinf Hot Line News , Jan.2010,

양곡(陽谷) 2010. 1. 1. 21:54

The Fundraising Hotline
Published by the Fundraising Ideas & Products Center
28,221 Subscribers

Fundraising Ideas & Products Center
January 2010

Thank you for subscribing to The Fundraising Hotline. We hope each issue will contain information that is beneficial to you. We also invite you to visit our website where you can view this newsletter online, review a listing of top U.S. and Canadian fundraising companies and download our free Fundraising Resource Guide to review at your leisure.

Fundraising News From Around the World

Seattle, WA: Papa Johns restaurants donate 100% of sales proceeds for two days to the families of slain police officers. Sales were 10-12 times larger than normal for that period; Saratoga Springs, NY: A fundraiser built around the sale of a calendar featuring photos of naked college students embraced by local charity assisting in post-Hurricane Katrina rebuilding efforts after proving too risqué for the Make-A-Wish Foundation; Gary, IN: Trees and wreaths were decorated and donated by area businesses and groups in fundraiser to benefit the Alzheimer's Association; San Rafael, CA: Boy Scouts sell gift-packaged mistletoe in fundraiser to support troop activities and leadership training; Chicago, IL: Radio station holds ‘Good Neighbor Radiothon’ fundraiser to help Anti Hunger Federation; Springfield, MO: Big Brothers Big Sisters fundraiser features phone calls from Santa; Grand Junction, CO: Hotel employees show off ugly Christmas sweaters for kids fundraiser and donate $5 towards the backpack program to help feed local children; Helena, MT: Hospice holds Lite-a-Life ceremony to raise funds to support services and to honor those for whom lights were given; Montpelier, VT: State report reveals that professional fundraisers raised $8.4 million from Vermonters for the three years ending in June. About two-thirds of the money, $5.7 million, went to the companies and about one-third, $2.7 million, went to the charities and nonprofits; Weed, CA: Local man wins new motorcycle by buying one of 200 tickets in 2009 Christmas toy raffle fundraiser. He also won a new motorcycle in the same fundraiser in 2007; Yucaipa, CA: More than two dozen local vendors participate in Community Faire and Craft Boutique fundraiser; and Massena, NY: Habitat volunteers participate in gift-wrap fundraiser at mall.

Skratchers was developed to overcome many of the problems associated with traditional fundraisers, such as cumbersome order-taking and deliveries, consistently less value for the supporter, and the need for more profit. We have worked hard to ensure that Skratchers is superior to other traditional fundraisers and that it beats out all other scratch card programs. A Skratchers fundraiser is hassle-free, and provides high profit, great value, high quality, free shipping, quick delivery, and won’t spoil or melt. Get a free sample and learn more at Skratchers.com or call toll free 888-800-9506.

Do-It-Yourself Fundraiser Of The Month

Cowpie Bingo: Experience the "sweet smell of success" while hosting a cow pie fundraising event during a country fair, rodeo or other event.  A cow is turned loose on a fenced-in area which has been marked off in 500 three-foot, numbered squares.  The cow determines the winner by making the first "deposit" on one of the squares. Chances on each square are sold for $5.  The winner receives $500 or 20% of the sales, whichever is less ($1 for every square sold.)  Kids and adults will both love this fun event. Make sure that the animal is well-fed on the day of the fundraising event, to assure a timely "deposit".  Sell squares in advance as well as before 'turning out' the cow. A line judge is required for close calls.  Set out clear rules to avoid problems and assure impartiality.  If possible, choose a field with stands for the ticket holders to wait and  watch for the big moment.  A football or soccer field (in off season) might be used if fenced or you have enough volunteers to keep the animal on the grid. Possible sources of the star player:  a local dairy, horse farm, etc to donate the critters "time" and the field to make a grid. In place of a cow, you could also use a horse, goat, or sheep, even a dog in a pinch!  However using a cow will usually guarantee media interest and greater publicity for your group. Choose a docile animal and groom resplendently for the event. Have several volunteers available to patrol the fence and assure no one is able to influence the event in any way.  It's best to have a rain date arranged ahead of time, if needed.  This can take either a short time, or a good long while, and some groups find it a good time to sell concessions like hot chocolate, popcorn, and hot dogs. There may be other entertainment on hand as well.

Fun Pasta Fundraising: New, unique, fun! Pasta in fun shapes like cheerleaders, soccer, music, holidays, collegiate logos, and more! Unlike cookie dough or candy bars, pasta does not need refrigeration and won’t make a mess or spoil. It’s a hassle free fundraiser! Up to 50% profits with no hidden costs. Informative videos available for kids and leaders on website! Kids love the iTunes or Walmart gift cards as prizes. Learn more at www.funpastafundraising.com, or call 1-800-247-0188 x205. Have Fun, Sell Pasta, Earn Money!

Non-Profit In The Spotlight

The Tree Hill Nature Center in Jacksonville, Florida, is an urban wilderness preserve comprising 50 acres of hilltop and wetland areas, consisting of southern mixed hardwood forest, mixed hardwood swamp and freshwater stream. The Tree Hill Nature Center property was acquired for the purpose of preserving environmentally sensitive flora and fauna, expanding environmental education programs, facilitating greater environmental awareness and protecting the property from encroaching development. It offers an indoor nature center, interactive exhibits, learning laboratory, wildflower gardens, nature trails and wildlife viewing areas. The Tree Hill Nature Center is THE place to connect with nature for school field trips, for homeschoolers, scout troops, business groups and families.

Morris Press Cookbooks is the nation¹s largest and most trusted publisher of custom cookbooks. Selling your cookbook is easy. Recipe contributors, as well as friends, family, and community members will be eager to buy several copies. Preserving recipes and history with a cookbook also creates a lasting keepsake and builds a sense of unity and pride within your organization. No other fundraiser can do that! For a free cookbook kit that shows you how a fundraising cookbook is affordable, profitable, and fun, visit our website at www.morriscookbooks.com or call us at (800) 445-6621, ext. FHOTLN.

Interesting or Fun Facts

Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that enables its users to send and read messages known as tweets. Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters displayed on the author's profile page and delivered to the author's subscribers who are known as followers. Twitter began in a brainstorming session held by board members of the podcasting company Odeo in an attempt to break out of a creative slump. At that meeting Jack Dorsey introduced the idea of an individual using an SMS (short message service) to communicate with a small group. The 140 character limit was initially set for compatibility with SMS messaging. The original product name was Twttr, inspired by Flickr and the fact that American SMS short codes are five characters. Work on the project started in March 2006, when Dorsey published the first Twitter message "just setting up my twttr". The first Twitter prototype was used as an internal service for Odeo employees, later launching publicly into a full-scale version in July 2006.

Lamontagne Chocolate inc: Raise more money with $2 retail chocolate products! Manufacturer of pure milk chocolate bars, chocolate almonds, bite-size caramels and mints for fundraisers. Ask about Chocolate Boutique. (800-567-3435)

 Aromalight Candle Co: Proven triple scented candle fundraising program offering 50% profit. These are the candles you've been hearing about! Just one candle will fill your home with it's scent. (877-542-3285)

 Bleacher Buddies: Comfortable seats with a backs that fit inside gyms and outside in stadiums. Your spectators will love them. You keep 100% of the revenue that you generate by renting them at sporting events. (866-656-0099)

 Southern Fundraising: Easy fundraising programs including combo brochure of cheesecakes, cookie dough, pizza kits, pumpkin roll, cinnamon rolls, pretzels and more, on one beautiful order form. High profits, quality products, excellent customer service! See our jewelry fundraiser. (877-267-2477)

The Fundraising Hotline is published monthly by the Fundraising Ideas & Products Center, 1344 Fairway Village Drive  ~  Fleming Island, FL  32003-8398. Advertise your site.

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