Thank you for subscribing to The Fundraising Hotline. We hope each issue will contain information that is beneficial to you. We also invite you to visit our website where you can view this newsletter online, review a listing of top U.S. and Canadian fundraising companies and download our free Fundraising Resource Guide to review at your leisure. |
Fundraising News From Around the World Highland, CA: Disabled Veterans Relief Fund announces .99 CENT fundraiser program, through which anyone can pledge just .99 cents per month to help disabled veterans and their families--and every person who signs up for the fundraiser will automatically be entered into a raffle for a grand prize valued at $25,000; Baltimore, MD: Barbershop quartet fundraiser features Valentine's-themed songs and delivery of chocolates or flowers; Belmont, MA: High school promotes diversity week fundraiser with combination talent show, competition and political commentary; Duluth, MN: Chocolate lovers participate in “Death by Chocolate” fundraiser to support people with disabilities and their families; Victoria, AU: Celebrities and other entertainers combine talents in Victorian Bushfire Appeal, the most significant fundraising effort in Australian history; Columbia, MO: 'Car bash' fundraiser proceeds help combat human trafficking; Syracuse, NY: Nature center hosts "Grapes on Ice" wine-tasting fundraiser; Mooresville, VA: Home school co-op sells coupon books and candles to help pay for field trip; Maple Springs, NY: Crazy Swede Polar Bear Swim raises money for children's party fund. The air temperature for the swim was about 34 degrees with water temperatures around 32 degrees; Blue Lake, AU: Golf club holds all-night golf tournament to raise funds for the Victorian Bushfire Appeal; World: Volunteers from around the world participate in one-day Twitter-based charity event, Twestival, to raise funds for people in the world who can't access clean drinking water; Coral Gables, FL: Rotary fundraiser features over 1800 golf balls dropped from helicopter from 100 feet above a golf pin. The raffle ticket holder whose number matches the ball closest to the pin wins; Honolulu, HI: Donated new or gently used prom, formal and semi-formal dresses to be auctioned off with proceeds to benefit domestic violence action center. |
JustFundraising.com: “Our softball team just raised over $5,000 profit, for the 2nd year in a row with JustFundraising” - No money down - Up to 90% profit - Free shipping – Personalized service - We guarantee the highest profit on all of America's favorite fundraising programs - Over 35 fundraisers: M&M Mars, Hershey’s and the Original one Dollar candy bars, scratch cards, gourmet cookie dough, lollipops, candles, cheesecake, pizza dough, fine chocolate, safety kits, granola bars, Jack Links beef jerky, magazines and much more for your group. Start by getting your free fundraising sample kit or call toll free at 1-888-440-4114. |
Do-It-Yourself Fundraiser Of The Month Don't Come Event: A don't come event is a clever way of asking for donations in a novel and humorous manner. First things first! This event will never actually happen -- other than on paper. You send invitations to supporters - and potential supporters - for a spectacular event with scrumptious food, exciting entertainment, and a glamorous guest of honor. The sky's the limit since the event won't actually occur. Let your imagination run wild! Why in the world would you do this? Because it's a good way to raise funds and have some fun at the same time -- something that's nearly impossible to do when trying to raise money. Your only costs are the printing of the invitations, thank you notes and postage. If you can get some of this donated, that's even better. Send the invitations to as many people as you want - overcrowding will not be a problem. In addition to your regular supporters, be sure to include local political leaders, businessmen and media personnel. You should also send press releases to the media outlets in your area. They are always looking for humorous current event items. Make sure you include information on how someone can purchase a ticket. Okay ... so why would anyone buy a ticket to a non-existent event? Because there are a lot of very busy people who are willing to support a good cause but don't have the time, energy, and/or interest to go to one more rubber-chicken dinner. Purchasing a ticket to a don't come event lets them support a worthy cause while relaxing at home. Plus, they will appreciate your ingenuity. You should make your invitations classy - printed on good quality paper. After all, the invitation is all they will get for the their ticket purchase. Make it just like an invitation to any formal affair. You can use a standard good quality thank you card. Make sure that the invitations and thank you cards are hand addressed to make them more personal. Oh ... and since the recipient gets nothing for their ticket purchase, make sure you include a notice with their thank you card that their donation is fully tax deductible. |
Go Magnets: A custom car magnet creates team unity, team spirit, and community awareness. People enjoy adding character to their car, and what better way then by a car magnet of their school, church, club, or other group. You can use any sports ball and customize it with your team name, colors, and/or mascot, or, use your organizational name, colors, and logo on our 5 ¾” round, paw print or 6" square magnet! You can get a custom die cut magnet for an additional charge. Go to www.gomagnets.com and fill out a request for a free sample pack today! |
Non-Profit In The Spotlight Thousands of cats, dogs, kittens and puppies are killed in Indianapolis shelters every year, while only a fraction are adopted. Uncounted thousands more suffer and die on the streets each year. There are simply too many animals and not enough homes. Cities across the country have proven that low-cost spay/neuter clinics are the most effective means of eliminating pet overpopulation. The Foundation Against Companion-Animal Euthanasia (FACE) established a high-volume, low-cost spay/neuter clinic in Indianapolis. Our clinic is dramatically reducing pet overpopulation and the misery and death that comes with it for thousands of animals in the Indianapolis area. Additionally, fewer animals being born means it's easier to find homes for existing animals. This fall, FACE will celebrate performing 100,000 spay and neuter surgeries since opening in 1999. |
ITZAZU?? Kidz (pron. “It’s a zoo”) is a hand-washing system that’s fun! Six zoo friends help Kidz fight germs with hand-soap suds that turn a cool color after 15-20 seconds of washing (as recommended by the CDC). The colorful, easy-to-pump bottle dispenses 150+ pre-measured washings for little people. A glittery hand sanitizer kills 99.9% of germs when water is unavailable. Dermatologically tested, safe for septic tanks; no animal products or testing, and bottle is 100% recyclable. Up to 50% profit—perfect for schools! Learn about all of our Made-in-the-USA products at BAKE & Co. Fundraising 1-800-535-2253 |
Holiday Facts St. Patrick's Day is celebrated on March 17th, his religious feast day and the anniversary of his death in the fifth century. St. Patrick was a Roman Britain-born Christian missionary (approximately AD 385) and is the patron saint of Ireland. When he was about sixteen he was captured by Irish raiders and taken as a slave to Ireland, where he lived for six years before escaping and returning to his family. He entered the church, as his father and grandfather had before him, becoming a deacon and a bishop. He later returned to Ireland as a missionary. By the eighth century he had become the patron saint of Ireland. once a pagan himself, St. Patrick is one of Christianity's most widely known figures. In 1737, Irish immigrants to the United States began observing the holiday publicly in Boston and held the first St. Patrick's Day Parade in New York City in 1766. There are many legends associated with St Patrick. It is said that he used the three-leafed shamrock to explain the concept of the Trinity, which refers to the combination of Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. Legend also has that, St. Patrick had put the curse of God on venomous snakes in Ireland and he drove all the snakes into the sea where they drowned. |
The Fundraising Hotline is published monthly by the Fundraising Ideas & Products Center, 1344 Fairway Village Drive ~ Fleming Island, FL 32003-8398. Advertise your site.
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